UKRAINE, KHARKIV, Oct 7 — The SBU detained a woman in Kharkiv who allegedly recorded and sent to a closed Telegram channel the locations and routes of the Ukrainian military, said SBU spokesman Vladyslav Abdula. 

Since the start of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, more than 1,000 people in the Kharkiv Oblast have received a notice of suspicion in proceedings over treason, collaboration, and dissemination of information about the movement of the Armed Forces.

Vladyslav Abdula said that the 44-year-old woman, who works in public transportation, provided text messages indicating the locations of the Defense Forces. Russian special services allegedly used this data.

The woman is currently in custody without bail and faces up to eight years in prison [if found guilty by the court — ed.], the SBU reports. 

Abdula says she is accused of unauthorized dissemination of information about the movement and location of the Armed Forces.

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