An independent media platform about Kharkiv city and region in the world


to Aug 1, 2023

Main figures


50 000+

readers per month

Social networks


accounts reached

Session time






Brand post

500 USD
Brand or business material.
The link to your business will be placed on our website for up to 4 months.
The publications have a form of native advertising, branded content, or sponsored content.

Text article

1 000 USD
An interview/review/analytics with visual content provided by the customer.
The publications have a form of native advertising, branded content, or sponsored content.

Visual story

1 000 USD
A report/interview/analytic material with the photo or video content created by Gwara Media.
The publications have a form of native advertising, branded content, or sponsored content.

Special project

From 4 000 USD
A creative concept and unique design on the agreed topic. Individual distribution among Gwara partners and accounts on social media.
The publications have a form of native advertising, branded content, or sponsored content.

Any questions or doubts? Write to us for a free consultation! Let's get to know each other better.

Contact us


To advertisers:

  • An advertising piece can either be based on the content provided by the advertiser or be written by Gwara Media but verified with an advertiser. The advertiser is responsible for the contents of the advertisement, and Gwara Media is responsible for checking and publishing advertising materials. Advertising texts are valuable and interesting for our audience, but they are not journalistic writing.

  • Gwara Media can refuse an advertiser if the materials they want to publish don't comply with our quality standards, Gwara's mission or vision, or our editorial policy.

  • We retain the right to refuse to add corrections or edits to advertising materials if they contradict our editorial policy.

  • We do not collaborate with companies that manufacture or market the following products and services:

    1. tobacco products (including electronic smoking devices);

    2. alcohol;

    3. weapons;

    4. medicine that is not evidence-based;

    5. lotteries, gambling, microcrediting organizations, online casinos, etc.

    6. 18+ products and services.

  • We also do not collaborate with:

    1. companies that spread controversy or sell products of unproven efficiency;

    2. companies that spread lies;

    3. Russian companies and projects with Russian roots;

    4. organizations or people with doubtful, in our opinion, reputation;

    5. political parties.

  • All advertising published on Gwara Media platforms has a tag: Advertisement/Promo/Social Ads/Commercial special project/PR/Special project.

To partners:

  • We do not collaborate with companies or organizations with politics or missions contradicting ours.

  • We allow for a collaboration within an information-based partnership if it interests our readers.

  • We support social projects and charities.

  • All materials created in partnerships published on Gwara Media's platform have a tag: Partner material.


Yaroslav Ustich

[email protected]‍‍

[email protected]