Since the beginning of the year, prices for food and alcohol have increased by 25% on average. Fruit and vegetables have risen in price the most.

This was reported by the State Statistics Service. According to the Service, the prices for fruits rose by 60.2%, vegetables – 58.5%, fish – 33.1%, bread – 29% and sugar – 27.9%. The price of alcoholic beverages increased by 23.6%, and tobacco products – by 13.3%.

During this time, only chicken eggs became cheaper. Compared to December 2021, the price decreased by 17%.

Among non-food products, fuels increased the most in price – 64% and household appliances – 25.9%.

The Ministry of Finance also recalled that in August 2022, inflation rose from 22.2% to 23.8%.

Ukrainian economy will recover by 4%, and currency exchange rate for 1 dollar will reach 45 UAH. Analysts note that such data are expected if the situation at the front does not change significantly. This is taking into account the fact that in 2022 Ukraine’s GDP will decrease by 32%.