«Shadows Among Us» is a poignant documentary exploring the complex dynamics of survival, collaboration, and justice in a war-torn Ukrainian village. Set in Dubivka, just 8 kilometers from the Russian border, the film follows Artem, a local man burdened with a criminal conviction for cooperating with Russian forces during the occupation in an effort to provide humanitarian aid to his community. The documentary delves into the moral dilemmas faced by Artem and others under occupation, the challenges of post-occupation justice, and the fractured relationships within the village.
The film opens with archival footage of the Kharkiv region during the war, paired with a voiceover that sets the stage for the exploration of survival, justice, and community fractures. Artem is introduced as he digs a grave in the desolate landscape, reflecting on his past as an electrician and the life he lost during the occupation. Now, his only work is digging graves for the remaining villagers in the nearby villages, earning just enough to survive. Through interviews with Artem and his neighbors, the film reveals the pressures he faced under Russian control and the consequences of his actions, including accusations of betrayal by the villagers.
A seasoned activist and legal expert is shown working tirelessly to advocate for justice and fair treatment in post-occupation Ukraine. Their perspective emphasizes the importance of due process amidst the dangers of mob justice and the difficulties in prosecuting alleged collaborators.
As tensions rise, a pivotal community meeting takes place where villagers voice their grievances, with Artem hoping to find understanding. The confrontation between Artem and a villager accusing him of betrayal reaches a climactic moment, where the activist’s intervention reveals the nuanced truth of Artem’s story, challenging the village’s perceptions of guilt and innocence.
The film concludes with Artem expressing his hope for redemption, while the activist reflects on the broader challenges of rebuilding war-torn communities and the delicate balance between justice and humanity. Through intimate storytelling and insightful analysis, «Shadows Among Us» offers a compelling look at the personal and societal struggles that persist long after the end of occupation.
Our motivation
At Gwara Media, we’ve spent nearly two years documenting life in Kharkiv and its de-occupied territories. Often, we could only reveal a fraction of the truth due to safety concerns and resource constraints. With «Shadows Among Us», our goal is to bridge that gap and share the untold stories of ordinary people like Artem, who faced impossible choices under occupation to help their communities.
Today, individuals like Artem face societal rejection and legal repercussions, while influential collaborators evade accountability due to systemic corruption. This film is our response to such injustices — a call for empathy, a push for a more equitable justice system, and a contribution to the broader conversation on justice and reconciliation in post-conflict Ukraine.
«Shadows Among Us» is designed to drive impact by sparking dialogue among lawmakers, legal experts, and civil society, advocating for a transparent and resilient legal framework to ensure fairness for those most affected by war.
Artistic Vision
We envision the film as a raw and intimate portrayal of life in a de-occupied village. Combining stark visuals of Dubivka’s desolation with emotional close-ups of its people, we’ll incorporate archival footage from Russian media, leaving the audience to interpret its authenticity. The sound design will emphasize rural isolation, punctuated by voices navigating personal and societal recovery. Empathetic yet unflinching, the film invites viewers to confront the complexities of war and justice.
This story reflects our commitment to ethical storytelling at Gwara Media. By amplifying silenced voices and preserving dignity, we aim to challenge simplistic narratives about collaboration and encourage a deeper understanding of human choices during war.
With «Shadows Among Us», we aspire to inspire change — contributing to Ukraine’s legal reform and fostering global conversations about justice and reconciliation in post-conflict societies.
The film is currently in development. If you have any questions about it or collaboration proposals, please reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].