Russian glide bomb attack on Kharkiv Oblast’s city injures 13

Karina Bondar - 23 May 2024 | 18:40

UKRAINE, KHARKIV OBLAST, May 23 — In the afternoon, the Russian army dropped a guided bomb (KAB) on Derhachi in the Kharkiv region, injuring 13 people, reports Vyacheslav Zadorenko, head of the Derhachi City Military Administration.

Towns and villages of the Kharkiv Oblast, especially border settlements, came under massive Russian artillery shelling and airstrikes since Russia launched a new ground offensive north and northeast of the region in the Vovchansk and Lyptsi directions on May 10.

Russian army dropped a guided bomb on Derhachi / Photo: Ivan Samoilov, Gwara Media
Russian army dropped a guided bomb on Derhachi / Photo: Ivan Samoilov, Gwara Media

An elderly man and woman are in the hospital. Two women with acute stress reactions were also hospitalized, and nine other people received on-site medical assistance.

The Russian bombing damaged 50 private houses, at least five of which were severely damaged. In addition, they damaged outbuildings, civilian cars, gas pipelines, and power lines.

Russian army dropped a guided bomb on Derhachi / Photo: Ivan Samoilov, Gwara Media
Russian army dropped a guided bomb on Derhachi / Photo: Ivan Samoilov, Gwara Media

In the morning, Russian troops also dropped a guided bomb (KAB) on the village of Zolochiv in the Kharkiv region, injuring a woman born in 1951. She suffered post-concussive syndrome.

Evacuation is currently underway in the region. Volunteers and rescuers evacuated 10,980 people from the border communities of Kharkiv Oblast. 

Photo credits: Russian army dropped a guided bomb on Derhachi / Photo: Ivan Samoilov, Gwara Media

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