In Photos: Russians drop guided bombs on center of Kharkiv, damaging cemetery and gas station

Karina Bondar - 20 May 2024 | 14:02

KHARKIV, UKRAINE, May 20 — The Russian army dropped glide bombs (KABs) on Kharkiv’s Central Park and the city cemetery, injuring two women. One of them sought medical care with an acute stress reaction.

“The enemy is cynically bombing Kharkiv. One attack [hit]  the Central Park, a favorite place for Kharkiv residents to relax on their day off. The boys were playing football nearby. It’s a miracle that none of them were injured,” said Mayor Ihor Terekhov.

In addition, the Russians hit a city cemetery, damaging grave sites and a nearby gas station.

Russian attack on Kharkiv damaged cemetery / Photo: Ivan Samoilov, Gwara Media
Russian attack on Kharkiv damaged cemetery / Photo: Ivan Samoilov, Gwara Media
Russian attack on Kharkiv damaged cemetery / Photo: Ivan Samoilov, Gwara Media

Oleksandr, a gas station employee, said he was inside the building at the time of the explosion, where his colleague was making coffee. They were not injured. 

“We were indoors, which saved us. However, the shelling damaged windows, goods, and our workplace,” said Oleksandr.

Russian attack on Kharkiv damaged a gas station / Photo: Ivan Samoilov, Gwara Media
Russian attack on Kharkiv damaged a gas station / Photo: Ivan Samoilov, Gwara Media

Photo credits: Russian attack on Kharkiv damaged a gas station / Photo: Ivan Samoilov, Gwara Media

UPD from May 20, 2:47 p.m.: Mistranslation in the headline fixed.

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