UKRAINE, KHARKIV OBLAST, May 22 — Since the beginning of the day, the number of combat clashes along the frontline has increased to 65, reports the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 50% of them were in the directions of the Kupiansk and Pokrovsk (Donetsk region).

“The enemy is quite active in the Kupiansk sector, they were trying to attack our units 17 times. In particular, [they were conducting assaults] near Synkivka, Berestove, Nevske, Makiivka, Stelmakhivka and Serhiivka. Fighting is still ongoing in three locations. The situation is under control,” the General Staff reads.

According to the General Staff, the Ukrainian army didn’t lose any positions in the Kupiansk direction.

In the Kharkiv direction, Russian troops continue to try to advance toward the village of Lyptsi. Ukrainian troops repelled four out of six attacks over the past day. The fighting continues.

On May 10, Russia launched a new ground offensive north and northeast of the Kharkiv region, in Vovchansk and Lyptsi directions. Military analysts and the Ukrainian military said Russia’s main goal in a new offensive would be to stretch Ukrainian troops and resources and force Ukraine to pull forces away from Donetsk Oblast. 

The General Staff reports that over the past day, the Russian Federation lost more than 220 people, 32 pieces of weapons, and military equipment in the Kharkiv direction, including a tank, an armored vehicle, four cannons and mortars, nine unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and six pieces of enemy vehicles.

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