In some Zolochiv schools in Kharkiv Oblast, the number of students decreased by three times.

Currently, about 1,5 thousand children stay in the Zolochiv community. Before the full-scale war, more than 2,5 thousand of them lived there. However, almost all kids continue to study in community schools. This was announced by the head of the Zolochiv Village Military Administration, Viktor Kovalenko.

“Before the war, 60 children studied at the Ivashki Lyceum. Now there are 17. At the Oleksandrivska school, for example, there were 120 children, now there are 80. Children hear and see explosions. Some of them leave. In our community, about 200 children have now taken their documents from school and transferred permanently. Others study online,” the village head said.

Moreover, more than 3,000 people live in the border areas of the Zolochiv community, including children.

The head of Zolochiv Village Military Administration Viktor Kovalenko / Photo: Denys Glushko, Gwara Media

“People work in the gardens. The border was 200 meters away, and people saw how the Russians deployed artillery, mortars and fired,” Kovalenko says.

According to the head of the village, Russian drones fly constantly on the border. And they already know all the local cars.

“If a car unknown to them appears, they immediately shoot. Do you remember how it was with the volunteers who brought aid?” emphasizes the head of the Military Administration.

On June 17, the Russian army shelled the village of Huriv Kozachok, Bohodukhiv district. One of the anti-tank guided missiles hit a civilian car with two volunteers driving from Zolochiv in Kharkiv Oblast. A 42-year-old man and a 53-year-old woman died on the spot.

Read more: Over 1,500 children were affected by the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine.

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