UKRAINE, KHARKIV OBLAST, June 11 — On the evening of June 10, Russian troops shelled Staryi Saltiv in the Kharkiv region, killing a person, reported Oleh Syniehubov, Kharkiv Oblast Governor.

Towns and villages of the Kharkiv Oblast, especially border settlements, came under massive Russian artillery shelling and airstrikes since Russia launched a new ground offensive north and northeast of the region in the Vovchansk and Lyptsi directions on May 10.

As Syniehubov reported, on the morning of June 10, the Russian army dropped guided bombs (KABs) on Dementiivka in the Kharkiv region, killing one person and injuring three others. They also hit Novopokrovka community with ballistic missiles, killing a man and injuring another. 

Also, on June 10, the Russian military dropped three glide bombs (UMPB D-30) on the Saltivskyi and Kyivskyi districts of Kharkiv. The Russian bomb attack killed one and injured seven people. They also damaged 35 houses, 86 garages, and 22 cars, Syniehubov reports.

The mayor of Kharkiv, Ihor Terekhov, reports that in May alone, the Russians attacked the city 76 times. This is almost three times more than in April. The Russians dropped glide bombs on Kharkiv 37 times. They also launched missiles, and conducted 12 Shahed UAV strikes, and three Lancet drone strikes.

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