UKRAINE, Sep 9 — The Russian army launched 447 chemical attacks against the Defense Forces in August, reported the Command of the Ukrainian Support Forces.

Ukrainian radiation, chemical, and biological defense reconnaissance groups from the Support Forces Command have documented 4,035 cases of Russian troops using special munitions with hazardous chemicals since February 2023, including 447 cases in August 2024 alone.

The Russians used chemical munitions against the Ukrainian military, including K-51 and RG-VO, both of which are anti-riot agents and are prohibited for use as weapons of war.

In addition, there are cases of Russians using ammunition containing hazardous chemicals of unspecified type. 

Command of the Ukrainian Support Forces reported that Russia is violating the rules of warfare, ignoring the norms and obligations under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling, and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction.

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