UKRAINE, Aug 29 — Ukraine is investigating Russia’s illegal detention of more than 14,000 civilians, announced Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin during a panel discussion “Torture and persecution of civilians as Russian authorities’ crimes against humanity in Ukraine.”

The Prosecutor’s Office has documented more than 124,000 war crimes committed by Russia on the territory of Ukraine since the start of the full-scale war. In occupied territories, Russians have installed over 170 torture chambers. 

“Currently, the Prosecutor General’s Office has served 261 people with notices of suspicion for crimes related to the illegal detention of civilians, and 58 people have received court sentences,” Kostin emphasized.

Law enforcement officers in the Kharkiv Oblast are investigating more than 21,000 Russian war crimes, of which nearly 15,000 are related to attacks on civilian objects.

More than a thousand people are registered as abducted or missing. Law enforcement officials are working with the International Criminal Court to investigate cases of torture, deprivation of liberty, and sexual violence.

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  • The Russians shelled the village of Prykolote, killing two people and injuring six others. The shelling also caused furniture, structural elements, and the roof of the warehouse building to catch fire, reported Oleh Syniehubov, governor of Kharkiv Oblast.