In photos: Russians drop glide bomb on volunteer’s house in Kharkiv, injure 3 

Karina Bondar - 25 July 2024 | 13:21

UKRAINE, KHARKIV, July 25 — On the evening of July 24, Russian troops attacked Kharkiv again. They dropped a modified glide bomb (UMPB D-30) on a private residential area, damaging the house of a Kharkiv volunteer, said Spartak Borysenko, the head of the Department for Combating Crimes Committed in During of Armed Aggression of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office, to Gwara Media.

The Russians drop glide bomb on a house in Kharkiv on July 24 / Photo: Denys Klymenko for Gwara Media
The Russians drop glide bomb on a house in Kharkiv on July 24 / Photo: Denys Klymenko for Gwara Media

Russia attacks Kharkiv and the surrounding region often because of its proximity to the border and the frontline, especially so since May 2024, when Moscow’s new ground offensive from the north started.

“The bomb hit a car that was next to a garage, which caught fire. Three people who were working at a private household sought medical assistance. The Russians hit a civilian facility. This house belongs to a volunteer. There is no military infrastructure near the house,” he said.

The Russians drop glide bomb on a house in Kharkiv on July 24 / Photo: Denys Klymenko for Gwara Media
The Russians drop glide bomb on a house in Kharkiv on July 24 / Photo: Denys Klymenko for Gwara Media

The owner of the damaged house is a Kharkiv businessman and volunteer, Yurii Sapronov. He has been volunteering since 2014, the start of Russia’s war against Ukraine. 

The Russians drop glide bomb on a house in Kharkiv on July 24 / Photo: Denys Klymenko for Gwara Media
The Russians drop glide bomb on a house in Kharkiv on July 24 / Photo: Denys Klymenko for Gwara Media

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Yurii has been helping locals with humanitarian aid, evacuating them from the most dangerous areas, and actively assisting the military. He continues his volunteer activities now.

Photo credits: The Russians drop glide bomb on a house in Kharkiv on July 24 / Photo: Denys Klymenko for Gwara Media

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