Telegram channels spread the news that the Government Office for Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration ordered heads of state institutions to involve at least three employees in participating in the KyivPride’s “Equality March,” a march for the LGBTQ+ rights in Ukraine. Our fact-checking department figured out what’s wrong with that information.
What happened?
On June 4, the Telegram channel “Кот Костян – официальный канал” published a photo of the document allegedly issued by the Government Office for Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration.
This directive also appeared signed by Deputy Prime Minister Olha Stefanishyna. It required heads of cultural and educational institutions to assign at least three employees from each institution to participate in the Pride march organized by the NGO “KyivPride,” scheduled for June 16 in Kyiv.

Other Telegram channels such as “Шаман Раху,” “Шейх Тамир,” “На самом деле в Днепре,” “На самом деле в Киеве,” “Шкварка News,” and “Харьковчаночка” also spread this post.

Firstly, we analyzed the content of the document (directive) and noticed several grammar mistakes:
The title of the institution that allegedly issued the directive, “Government Office for Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration” (Урядовий офіс координації європейської та євроатлантичної інтеграції), was missing the first word “Government” (Урядовий).
The job title used the wrong grammatical gender: the correct term is “віцепрем’єрка” (Deputy Prime Minister) not “віце-прем’єр-міністр.” [In Ukrainian, there are feminine forms for job titles, if the position is held by a woman, such as “віцепрем’єрка” for Deputy Prime Minister, not “віцепрем’єр” — ed.]

The next move was to formally seek clarification from the Office of the Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration via Facebook. We inquired about verifying or disproving the information from Telegram channels regarding a directive for heads of educational institutions to urge subordinates to go to the Pride March.
Shortly after, we received a response indicating that Deputy Prime Minister Olha Stefanishyna had not issued any such directives, and that the document depicted in the photo was indeed a forgery.
“Greetings! The source of information provided by you, namely the Telegram channel, is evidently Russian. On the cover, we see a cat against the background of the tricolor, the language of the channel is Russian. In the photo attached to this Telegram channel, the stamp is blurred, the letterhead is fake, the logo is incorrect, the name of a nonexistent office, and the blurred signature of the Deputy Prime Minister is counterfeit. We see a lot of evidence indicating disinformation and propaganda. Also, the directive number and the competencies of the Deputy Prime Minister. Responding to your request – this is a fake, there was no such directive from the Deputy Prime Minister.” — We were informed in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration.

So, Telegram channels shared and spread a fake document aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian government and its European integration policies.
Conclusion: Fake
Author: Vlad Herasymenko
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