We are an independent media platform based in Ukraine.
Before the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine, we were developing the creative ecosystem of Kharkiv, the second-largest city in Ukraine. But times have changed. And so have we.
Today we aim to represent Kharkiv in the world.
We work on the ground to show the Russian war crimes committed in Kharkiv Oblast. We visit Kharkiv communities to discover how they manage to sustain and recover. We talk to Kharkiv entrepreneurs, artists, educators, IT specialists, and young activists to bring their voices to the world.
Relying on human rights is the way to social change.
We ensure one of these rights daily: the right to get verified information. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we created a fact-checking bot called PEREVIRKA that people could use to verify any news.
Our team is a member of the IFCN international fact-checking network and follows its standards in information verification policies.
Gwara Media specializes in сonvergence journalism. To engage the audience, we create various forms of digital content, such as AR masks, short documentaries, interactive quizzes, and photo and video stories.
Practically, we implement our manifesto through products: 1) an online edition of Gwara in English and Ukrainian; 2) a creative studio; 3) a team of analysts of the PEREVIRKA bot; 4) documentaries; 5) a community of readers and KAVA MEDIA cafe.
Our reports and research materials capture reality, the news feed focuses on the development and represents Kharkiv in a broader context, and investigations contribute to restoring justice.
Соціальні зміни для нас — це мислити про майбутнє, адже після перемоги всім нам треба відбудовувати Україну. Нам не байдуже, яким буде новий Харків. Ми не байдужі до руйнацій пам’яток культури і маємо подбати про те, аби вся наша спадщина була відновлена і врятована.
“Ґвара медіа” спеціалізується на конвергентній журналістиці. Щоб залучати аудиторію, ми створюємо найрізноманітніші форми цифрового контенту, такі як AR-маски, короткометражні документальні фільми, інтерактивні тести, фото- та відеоісторії.
Практично ми реалізуємо наш маніфест через наші продукти 1) онлайн видання Gwara Media 2) креативну студію3) команду аналітиків ПЕРЕВІРКА 4) документалістику та репортажі 5) спільноту наших читачів та кав’ярню КАВА МЕДІА.
Наші репортажі та дослідження фіксують реальність, локальні новини задають фокус на розвиток, матеріали сприяють відновленню справедливості.
Perevirka is a bot that helps to debunk fake news and disinformation.It is our way to fight propaganda systematically.
More detailsA creative studio focused on producing documentary videos, design, and various forms of creative content.
More detailsThe documentary was shot in March 2022 in Kharkiv together with S9 Film Studio + Al Jazeera English
Watch one of the first films about the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
A city with almost 1,5 million people has shrunk to a million. Its streets were destroyed and filled with rubble, and dozens of wounded remain after the shelling.
However, despite the large-scale destruction, Kharkiv and its people are determined to win and live on their native land.
Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, the city of Kharkiv has been constantly attacked by Russian troops. Even in the seventh month of the war, shelling continued daily: dozens of city residential blocks were destroyed, and many civilians were killed.
According to Kharkiv Oblast Police, 1,122 people died in Kharkiv Oblast due to Russian aggression as of Aug. 30, 2022, and this figure continues to grow.The shelling of Kharkiv didn`t cease, as well as tragedies that happened in the occupied territories.
We are an independent media outlet based in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Being the only English-language newsroom in the region, we deliver in-field reports, in-depth interviews, and long stories from Kharkiv City and Oblast.
Our core values are independence and quality. And here, we cannot carry on without your support. By supporting us, you become a part of building a democratic and free Ukraine.
+38 093 177 66 99
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